1 : 1 Program
Students that want extra help can take 1 on 1 classes with an ONE teacher. Students can take up to two classes a week, each class being 50 minutes. The lesson focus can be varied based on the students needs (decided by parents or teachers). All ONE teachers are professionally qualified.

Overseas Program
For children over the age of 12, ONE provides a program in which students can go abroad and study. These programs are organised twice a year; once in the summer, and once in the winter.

Scholarship Program
ONE provides a scholarship to students who meet certain requirements. Students receiving this scholarship will have the opportunity to study in Auckland, New Zealand for up to three weeks (all fees covered except flight ticket).

Online Reading Program
ONE provides a reading program from Reading Gate. Students will receive books from ONE and complete homework based on these books. It varies in difficulty depending on the student's English level. This is an extracurricular activity, that requires a computer and internet connection at home.

Reading Challenge
ONE Students are given a log book where they write down each book they have read to gain points. Once a certain amount of points are collected, a student will receive vouchers which can be used to choose a book from ONE.

Book Club
A service provided by ONE where parents can purchase books from Scholastic bookclub.